Like my new template?I think its soooooooooooooo cute!Well this week was actully a holiday but i forgot to post ha ha...well...i had a good time really but Mon. andTue. there were suplementary classes*vomits*i went to my frens house on mon. quite fun.Chians grandma died hes in the downydumps though*sigh*.....well thats all i have to say kay!BYES!^_^
chelsey loves dragons
2:32 AM
So sorry for not going on my blog for a long time again.Just got in really big i ean mt everast big trobule with my mom.My teacher called her and my mom went for pta meetin' the nxt day woof-_-well at least my friends stayed over.i have doubts abt my anonymous fren i wont say his/her name.She seems 2 b avoiding me & thinks that im all up in her face again... i did not know how else 2 let my frustration out i hope he/she reads this then he/she will understand-_-*sigh.......................
chelsey loves dragons
9:12 PM